Velkommen til - Israels 12 stammer Welcome to - The 12 tribes of Israel
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Israels stammer generelt
Dans stamme
Artikler af Anna Bjørner og Sigurd Bjørner
Andre gamle artikler fra Evangeliebladet
The tribes of Israel in general
The tribe of Dan
Other tribes and nations
People who have believed in the tribes
Old Anglo-Israel literature
Israels stammer generelt
Anna Bjørner og Israels 10 fortabte stammer (2024)
Israels 10 fortabte stammer i Europa (2023)
Halloween & Israels 10 fortabte stammer (2023)
Dyrene i Daniel og Åbenbaringen & Babylon den Store Skøge (2023)
Kristi Andet Komme & Israels tilbagevenden (2022)
Vor Israelitiske Oprindelse (2006)
Kendt norsk pinse-evangelist opdager Israel 10 fortabte stammer (2010)
Beviser på det forsvundne Israel i tidlige annaler
Island: Benjamins stamme (2009)
Islandsk medlemskab af EU er "Benjamin, der kommer til Egypten" (2010)
En del af Gads stamme i Spanien og Portugal (2009)
Vidner om de nordiske, germanske og angel-saksiske folkeslags israelitiske oprindelse (2008)
Danske mænd deler DNA med Tutankamon (eksternt link)
Dans stamme
Er danskerne israelitter af Dans stamme? (video, 2024)
Hvorfor Dan & Efraim ikke er nævnte i Åbenbaringen & de to vidner fra Dan & Efraim (2023)
J.C. Gawler: Dan: Israels Pioner (1880)
Kap. 2: Grækenlands danaider er danitter fra Israel
Kap. 5: Dannanerne eller danerne i Skandinavien, Irland og Skotland
Dans stammes fingeraftryk på Dannebrog (2023)
Muhammed-tegningerne i lys af Bibel-profeti (2009)
Danmarks justitsminister opfylder Israels ord om Dan (2009)
Daner og Jyder: Dan og Juda-Dan (2009)
Dansker udnævnt til NATO-generalsekretær (2009)
"Hil Danmark!" En modernation i nutidens Israel
Artikler af Anna Bjørner og Sigurd Bjørner
Anna Bjørner (1875-1955):
Kajfas' mærkelige profeti (1935)
Israel og Menigheden (1931) [se scanning af original-artiklen]
Jesu Komme (1930) [se scanning af original-artiklen]
Israels ti tabte Stammer fundet (1930) [se scanning af original-artiklen]
Udvælgelsen (1931) [se scanning af original-artiklen]
Hvem er Jøderne (1930) [se scanning af original-artiklen]
Israels 10 bortkomne Stammer (1930-1931)
Israel og Menigheden - 3 artikler af Anna Bjørner (1930-1933)
Sigurd Bjørner (1875-1953):
Pinsevækkelsen - en Sekt? (1944) [se scanning af det originale hæfte]
Andre gamle artikler fra Evangeliebladet
The tribes of Israel in general
Jewish views on the Lost Tribes of Israel (2024)
Why isn't the knowledge of the Lost Tribes of Israel more popular? (2024)
Book review: 'Israelism in Modern Britain' by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce (2024)
The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel in Europe (2023)
Halloween & the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel (2023)
Video: The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel & dolmens & other megaliths (2023)
Israelite origin of the Nordic peoples (2023)
The Beasts in Daniel and Revelation & Mystery Babylon (2023)
The Second Coming of Christ & the Regathering of Israel (2022)
Y-DNA Haplogroups links Nordic and Germanic people to Arabs and Jews (2010)
Well known Norwegian Pentecostal evangelist discovers the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel (2010)
Norse Israelitish Origins (2006)
The Bible Distinction Between "The House of Israel" and "The House of Judah"
Evidence of lost Israel in early annals
The Old Testament Roots of Norse Mythology
Hebrew and English - Five Leading Scholars Prove the Link Exists
Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain
Thor Heyerdahl: Scandinavian Ancestry: Tracing Roots to Azerbaijan (2000) [external website]
Thor Heyerdahl: The Azerbaijan Connection: Challening Euro-Centric Theories of Migration (1995) [external website]
The tribe of Dan
Are the Danes Israelites of the tribe of Dan? (2024)
Why Dan & Ephraim are not mentioned in Revelation & the Two Witnesses of Dan & Ephraim (2023)
J.C. Gawler: Dan, the Pioneer of Israel (1880):
Chapter 2: Danai of Greece are Dannites of Israel
Chapter 3: Dan in the Black Sea
Chapter 4: Dan among the Scythians
Chapter 5: Dannans, or Danes, of Scandinavia, Ireland and Scotland
Fingerprints of the tribe of Dan on the flag of Denmark (2023)
The Muhammed Drawings in the light of Bible prophecy (2009)
Danish Justice Ministers fulfills Israel's words about Dan (2009)
Danes and Jutes: Dan and Judah-Dan (2009)
Dane appointed Secretary General of NATO (2009)
"Hail, Denmark!" A Mother Nation of Modern Israel
Peter Salemi: Dan: The Pioneer of Israel
Jory Steven Brooks: Wandering Dan: The Biblical roots of the Irish, Welsh and related peoples
W.H. Bennett; The Danes, Normans and "French" Canadians
Other tribes and nations
America in the Bible: Manasseh (2024)
The Lost Israelite tribe of Ephraim: Britain (2024)
Uncovering Scandinavian Roots (1984)
How the Vikings were won to Christ
Iceland: the tribe of Benjamin (2009)
Iceland joining the EU is "Benjamin coming to Egypt" (2009)
Men of Issachar: The Astounding Story of Finland and Estonia (c. 2006)
Steven M. Collins: Four reasons the Jews are "Judah"
Germany: A branch of Israel (2010)
Classical Records and German Origins (2007)
The Israelite and Germanic Tribes (1931)
Holland identified with Zebulun - Who was Zebulun?
Origin of France and its peoples
A part of the tribe of Gad and Spain and Portugal (2009)
Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain
Israelites in southern Africa: Zebulun with Issachar, Judah, Levi, Reuben and Ephraim (2010)
God's Promise to Ishmael (2008)
Forfatterne alene er ansvarlige for synspunkterne i deres artikler.
The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in their articles.
People who have believed in the Tribes
Old Anglo-Israel literature
Charles Fox Parham: Queen Victoria Heir to King David's Royal Throne (1899)
Our Scythian Ancestors Identified With Israel (1875)
Israel Discovered in the Anglo-Saxon and Kindred Protestant Nations (1874)
Lost Israel Found in the Anglo-Saxon Race (1866)
The Anglo-Cimbri and Teutonic Races Proved to be the Lost Tribes of Israel (1871)
England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim (1861)
Artikler på norsk
Åsmund Kaspersen: Jesu gjenkomst (2007)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israels ti tapte Del 3 (2002)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israels ti tapte stammer Del 2 (2002)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israels ti tapte stammer Del 1 (2001)
Kristen Døssland: Norrønafolket i Opphav og Vandring (1949)
Kristen Døssland: Israels Gud Elohim-Jave og oldnordiske gudsnavn og landnåmsnavn (1953)
Elin Berglund: Israels ti tapte stammer (1995)
Albert Hiorth: Israel i brennpunktet (1949)
Albert Hiorth: Israels hus og folk - Judas hus og folk (1949)
Albert Hiorth & H.A. Edwards: Israels hus og folk - Judas hus og folk [scanning af den originale bog] (1949)
Ole Jørgen Johnsen: Israel i de siste dage (1936)
Herbert W. Armstrong: De forente stater og Storbritannia i profetiene [eksternt website]
Artikler på svensk
Seneste nyt:
Latest news:
Jewish views on the Lost Tribes of Israel (2024)
Why isn't the knowledge of the Lost Tribes of Israel more popular? (2024)
America in the Bible: Manasseh (2024)
Anna Bjørner og Israels 10 fortabte stammer (2024)
Anna Bjørner and the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel (2024)
The Lost Tribe of Ephraim: Britain (2024)
Book review: 'Israelism in Modern Britain' by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce (2024)
Er danskerne israelitter af Dans stamme? (2024)
Are the Danes Israelites of the tribe of Dan? (2024)
The Beasts in Daniel & Revelation (updated version) (2023)
The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel in Europe (2023)
Israels 10 fortabte stammer i Europa (2023)
Halloween & the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel (2023)
Halloween & Israels 10 fortabte stammer (2023)
Video: The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel & dolmens & other megaliths (2023)
Israelite origin of the Nordic peoples (2023)
Fingerprints of the tribe of Dan on the flag of Denmark (2023)
Dans stammes fingeraftryk på Dannebrog
Steven M. Collins: Four reasons the Jews are "Judah"
Why Dan & Ephraim are not mentioned in Revelation & the Two Witnesses of Dan & Ephraim (2023)
W.H. Bennett: The Danes, Normans and "French" Canadians
The Beasts in Daniel and Revelation & Mystery Babylon
Dyrene i Daniel og Åbenbaringen & Babylon den Store Skøge
Jory Steven Brooks: Wandering Dan: The Biblical roots of the Irish, Welsh and related peoples
The Second Coming of Christ & the Regathering of Israel
Kristi Andet Komme & Israels tilbagevenden
Åsmund Kaspersen: Jesu gjenkomst (2007)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israels ti tapte stammer Del 3 (2002)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israels ti tapte stammer Del 2 (2002)
Åsmund Kaspersen: Israel ti tapte stammer Del 1 (2001)
Russia: Is it an Israelite nation? Covenant Nations magazine p. 8, external link)
How the Vikings were won to Christ
Danske mænd deler dna med Tutankhamon (eksternt link)
Paul Senstius: The Israelite and Germanic Tribes (1931)
Kendt norsk pinse-evangelist opdager Israels 10 fortabte stammer
Well known Norwegian Pentecostal evangelist discovers the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel
The Anglo-Cimbri and Teutonic Races Proved to be the Lost Tribes of Israel (1871)
The Bible Distinction Between "The House of Israel" and "The House of Judah"
Charles Fox Parham: Queen Victoria Heir To King David's Royal Throne
England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim (1861)
Israel Discovered in the Anglo-Saxon and Kindred Protestant Nations (1874)
Iceland joining the EU is "Benjamin coming to Egypt"
Islandsk medlemskab af EU er "Benjamin, der kommer til Egypten"
Lost Israel Found In the Anglo-Saxon Race (1886)
Sigurd Bjørner: Pinsebevægelsen - en Sekt? (1944)[se også scanning af det oprindelige hæfte]
Articles in Icelandic
Articles in Finnish
Herbert W. Armstrong: Yhdysvallas ja Britannia Profetioissa [external website]
Articles in German
Paul Senstius: Die Stämme der Israeliten und Germanen (1931)
[and here is a scan of the original book]
English translation: The Israelite and Germanic Tribes (1931)