In the first book of the Bible, Genesis 30:20,an account of his birth is given. Zebulun is the youngest son of Jacob and Leah being the sixth son. "God has endued me with a good dowry, now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons, and she called him ZEBULUN." What is in a name? Let us learn about the hidden information of Zebulon in connection with a mill.

The Dwelling:- which hooks up water - with the movement
Indeed the Dutch have been famous for their interiors throughout the ages, claiming to have invented decoration. Famous Dutch paintings of the 16th and 17th centuries show "Holland's Binnenhuis" and its unique atmosphere, of which the highly emancipated Dutch woman was the vital centre, as many a foreigner in those days has described. Rembrandt, Pieter de Hoogh and Vermeer painted rich Dutch family scenes and interiors with light streaming through stained glass windows colouring the white and black tiles, the decorated walls, carved oak, beautiful china, copper utensils and magnificent arrangements of flowers, step gabled houses with winding staircases (a Dutch invention) along clean Dutch canals. Dutch family dwellings were later imitated by other countries Denmark, South Africa and the early settlers in America.
And not only in the past! The Dutch are even now renowned for their home making. They like large windows, open curtains at night, which surprises the tourist, showing lots of lamps and lights (advertising Philips light bulbs!) Going through Holland by train at night gives the traveller an impression of homeliness and life in the Dutch dwellings different from Belgium, France and other European countries.
The Dutch have to build "elevated houses." Their houses are all built on sand, clay and mud, as there is no rock sub-strata underneath Holland's soil. So they have to be built on piles. The entire city of Amsterdam has been built on piles: an elevated city with a Dutch ancient dwelling-culture, and in contrast, still below sea level. By lack of space, dwellings are made in house boats on the canals of Amsterdam which are very numerous, numbering 2500 in all. One of our royal princes lives on one of them.
What is more Dutch than the sight of a working windmill in a flat green Dutch landscape? Although those who have studied the history of the windmills have traced them back to Medo Persia - you remember Zebulun as one of the ten tribes which was deported to that area - the Dutch have refined the buildings and engineering of windmills from at least as far back as 1200 A.D. The invention of the water-windmill for drainage purposes, with the screw action lifting or "hooking" the water from a lower to a higher level is exclusively Dutch.
Apart from this, the variety of windmills in the Netherlands is greater than anywhere else in the world. On the power of the wind their age old wooden engines worked as flour, spice and oil grinders, as sawmills, as papermakers, as printing presses and as gin-distillers. In the golden 17th century the Netherlands had thousands of turning windmills with the always blowing west wind sucking and sighing harder through its sails, making the wheels to turn harder and more efficiently, than many a modem machine even after the invention of electricity.
"God created the world, the Dutch created Holland"; is an old Dutch saying. Anyhow Dutch engineers have been asked to give advice on drainage projects throughout the ages.
Prof. Ch. Wilson devoted a chapter (page 80 91) in his book "The Dutch Republic" to the areas reclaimed by the Dutch in Western Europe and England from the 13th to the 17th centuries. For instance the Royal Park at Windsor, the Lincoln and Cambridge Fens, parts of Kent, Somerset, East AngIia, but also parts of France, Italy and Germany.
The Dutch know how to grow crops on reclaimed land and how to remove excess salt.
"At the same time" according to Wilson, "the famous breed of Friesian cattle was making its appearance in Britain. Mortimer, writing in 1707, remarked that the long legged short horned cow of the Dutch breed found in Lincolnshire and Kent was the best breed for milking."
Zebulun would live at the seashore. Since prehistoric times the Lowlanders have been inventive and skilled in building. Unlike other regions the Dutch don't possess a single local stone! All their houses had to be built from clay, which they, like the Israelites of old in Egypt, baked (they must have had their own factories as innumerable 'Roman' tiles have been found in the Scheldt area), or, as ancient farms still show, they built from wattle and daub, a skill which eventually they must have brought under the names of "Belgium" tribes into Somerset in Britain! The Lowlanders could never dwell in caves, because these did not exist.
There is not a single rock formation in the Netherlands, and there is hardly any danger due to the almost stagnant waters and the small differences in tides. Moreover the Dutch Flanders's coast is the longest range of natural dunes without rocks in the world, consisting of some 170 miles, of which the Netherlands form two thirds, while the remainder are man made dykes. Nowhere can one find a more natural parallel with Jacob's blessing to Zebulun!
To be a piler ("heier") is a very ancient skilled job in Holland, and now it is a well known Dutch surname "den Heier." All the foundations of most Dutch houses are piles piled deep into the ground. From prehistoric times the Lowlanders have been very advanced in building houses on piles along quays and roads built on wattle and piles. Dutch engineers were often asked for advice and actually built castles and estates in watery areas, as on Fuenen in Denmark (Egeskov) or in England near the Thames, Yarmouth and the Cambridge Fens to name but a few.
The reason for mentioning this is to show that Dutch always have been renowned for building dwellings (Zebulun) in watery areas and alongside havens, ditches, quays and seashore. (blessing given to Zebulun is to dwell at the seashore and natural harbours)
"Zebulun shall be a haven of ships". The Hebrew word for ship is aniah. It means ship, but also fleet, conveyance, galley, navy.
What about the "Flying Dutchman" and our first AIRSHIP?
Unconsciously the Dutch tourist offices are advertising exactly what Zebulun had prophesied he would be doing! Exporting reclaiming land, putting fingers in dykes, living in windmills sucking water, and all the Dutch being shown as blond cheese heads milking their Friesian cows or making cheese and butter in some fancy national costume, everybody with smiling faces, rejoicing, with Dutch tulips in their hands - goods for export. Yes indeed, modern export propaganda and exploitation of past Dutch folk lore still shows in a mirror a strange parallel with Zebulun!
Speaking about haven in the modern sense, is it so strange that small Holland has the largest port in the world within its borders, namely "Rotterdam Europoort"? It has surpassed London, New York and Hamburg. Willynilly it is becoming the premier port of the European Community.The name itself, "Europoort" is the Dutch abbreviated word for "gate of Europe." It is too far fetched to remind you that Israel, living in the Isles of the West, will possess the (sea) gates of their enemies, as prophesied in Genesis 22:17; 24:60. Incidentally, as far as our comparison with Zebulun is concerned it is a nice little touch that Rotterdam Europoort has as its modern symbol a large watch lower called Euro mast, like the mast of a ship.
At Rotterdam the international rivers Rhine and Meuse become confluent. According to ancient legend it was Ratherius in 90 A.D.who founded Rotterdam, being a descendant of the Royal Trojans, who again claimed to belong to the tribe of Judah. (see Rev.W.M.H. Milner's The Royal House of Britain an enduring dynasty, 13th edition 1964, Covenant Books, London).
The identification of one of Israel's tribes with a country and a particular nation is not new. At Hoorn, north of Amsterdam, there are three 17th century step-gabled houses with a decorated frieze showing the battle of the Dutch at Hoorn against the Spanish Admiral Bossu. The houses are now called Bossu Huizen with inscriptions saying that the Hollander identify themselves with Israel and the Spanish with Amalek, who is always Israel's antagonist in the Bible.
One inscription reads:
"O, loffebike daed, O! schoone guide tijden. Wie dat er aen gedenckt, die moet hem nog verblijden, Het land dat schut, en beeft, den viland die komt aen, Hil wil met Amelak gantsch Israel verslaen,Hij koomt met groote magt, maer Godt heett ons gegeven Ook arons ende hurs wiens namen ziln geschreven."
"Oh glorious deed, oh golden times, who ever thinks of them, he is rejoicing still, the land that shakes and trembles, the enemy is nearing fast, he will with Amalek aIl Israel defeat, he comes with greatest might, But God has given us Aarons, even Hurs, whose names are written."
In that "golden" 17th century when the Dutch had won the battle for religious (Protestant) freedom, they were conscious of being literally Israel. They were enlightened Bible readers.
The 17th century "Chronicle of Zealand" by Smallegange, shows how historians in those days were convinced that the early inhabitants of the Netherlands, the Batavians, the Frisians, the Menapians and others were descended from the Hebrews and father Noah.
"Chronicle of Leeland" - by A.V.Scriecle showing the curios of the Greeks and Latins about the beginning of common origin.
That the Low-landers, the Gaels and the Germans were called Celts, descended from Hebirous in the North on the Celtic side of the world, who are much older in age and language that the Greeks or the Romans.
From the beginning, till the time of Charles the Great - over 4000 years.
This time a woman, being a judge in Israel, is singing her prophecy regarding the children of Zebulun, now being free and at home in their Promised Land. The Zebulunites had received a portion of the land by lot and they had taken an active part in the fight to sweep the country and to throw off the tyranny of Jabin the Canaanite, for which battle Deborah, the woman judge, had summoned 10,000 Zebulunites of whom she now says:
"Zebulun's men risked their lives to death." - (Judges 5:18) and
"Come to me with Zebulun wielding the writer's pen" - (Judges 5:14).
This means handling the pen of the writer, or skilled in writing. It sometimes has been translated as "the recruiter's staff" which means a military call. On this different level it has the same function by writing or by recruiting one is calling others to mental or physical action and jointly to enlist or to enrol into something. Recruiting a small Gideon's band of people who will stand for real Israel.
However these Hebrew words still have another meaning. The "pen" is here literally "branched stick or scion for punishing," (Strong Concordance) for writing, for fighting, for ruling.
It was especially used in this sense to inscribe, to recount, to number. The word used here is "sepher," which is known in the Bible as the word for a book or a roll.
It is therefore not out of place to associate it with the means for producing books and printing letters.
The arms of the Seven provinces are on the side of the ship which has the Bible on its prow. The words (by William the Taciturn) in the circle are: "Quiet in the midst of the roaring waves" Poem -
''At The Bottom":-
"In all pressure and mourning
Offer each other the hand.
Be faithful in everything
God's Church and the Fatherland."
Prior to the Middle Ages, the Lowlands were already renowned for their beautifully calligraphic breviaries on parchment. What became the means ofr producing books since the 14th century? Small "branched off" sticks of lead and moulds of letters! Movable letters of tin and lead, still used by printers nowadays. Do you realise what a far reaching and revolutionary invention it has been to obtain the means for duplicating books?
Who would be the first to get this brilliant idea which was going to revolutionise the intellectual mind? It would lead up to the freedom of the printed word and availability of the Bible to the common citizen. The first English bible was printed in Amsterdam. Zebulun was to be blessed with the skill of numbering "branched off" sticks or letters. Here is the strange parallel:
The Dutch claim to have invented this!

For ages this has been a controversial historical question, and it is still generally accepted in the Anglo Saxon world that it was a German, Gutenberg, who invented the printing press. The Dutch have always disputed this on good grounds, and recent discoveries in Germany give even more credit to the Dutch claim!
Here is the Dutch story behind it, which by the way, millions of Dutch have been taught at school to be the truth!
In the cityof Haarlem there is a statue in the market place of a man with a letter block in his hand. On the stone is inscribed:
1440 A.D. "Typographiae letteris mobilibus a metallo fusis inventor," or the inventor of the art of printing with movable letters, made of cast metal.
Coster having invented this primitive way of printing with lead types was robbed of his invention on Christmas night of 1440 his servant Jan, who fled with it to Mainz in Germany, where it eventually came into the hands of Gutenberg, who seems to have refined the method and produced the famous Gutenberg Bible in 1448.
Where refugees in the 16th 17th century could freely print their religious ideas? Don't we have a remarkable combination here of Jacob's blessing to Zebulun, of being a haven, and Moses' words of "being blessed in thy going out with joy" (think of all the Dutch books having gone the world over!) and Deborah's prophecy that Zebulun's talent for the "sepher," the book, will be blessed? The Dutch have been and still are greatly blessed in finding new methods of printing. From the 15th and 18th centuries they were the leading nation. From the Encyclopaedia Britannica I quote, (vol 18,1960 Edition) "Even England was completely dependant for type on the Dutch"

Recently Dutch colour printing and the latest methods of photo-type have been developed in the Netherlands. Orders for the highest quality of art -printing from all over the world are being placed by the United States and Great Britain as well. This again is drawing a far sighted parallel with the "light" prophecy for Zebulun.
On yet another level of interpretation the light of the Gospel has been brought to these islands by means of the sea as early as A.D. 50 and again in the 5th and 6th centuries by Irish and English monks, long before Rome claims to have converted these barbarous and heathen "Germanic" tribes. This is a subject in itself. The earliest missionaries to the Lowlands came in boats and established centres along the coast of the Netherlands, "where the glory shone."
But in the midst of judgement there is the promise and the certainty of the Lord's deliverance there shall be no gloom for her who was in anguish. In the former time the Lord brought into contempt the land of Zebulun ... but in latter time He will make it glorious, by the way of the sea ... The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them light shines ... (different translations)
(Isaiah 9:1) This reminds us of the fact that the land of Zebulun in latter days became part of Galilee. Is it so strange that the prophet is having two visions simultaneously? He sees the depopulated wasteland of Zebulun west of the river Jordan, where one day the Messiah will walk. He also sees the Zebulunites, afflicted by the sea in a land of dimness and darkness, seeing light.
Is there any land in the western world that has had so many disastrous floods since times immemorial as the Netherlands? No regularly rising rivers here as in India, but sudden afflictions by a roaring and thundering sea attacking the land and its civilization. Legends tell us about dramatic disasters, one of them being called the "Kimbrian flood" of all names! More recently, in 1953 the land was afflicted more grievously. Was this applicable to Zebulun's land, which never bordered on the sea in Biblical times?* Orthodox Dutch fishermen and farmers at the latest disastrous breach of dykes cited this very verse of Isaiah when whole families in Zealand were drowned in the sea, fifteen hundred in one night, 1st of February, 1953. A people that fled in darkness on the top of their houses and saw the house high waves running towards them. "In the land of shadow and death, upon them light has shined." To those among the Dutch who remember those days they themselves are the people of whom Isaiah spoke.
Holland, country of light, has to be cleansed first from its sickness, in order to become Zebulun, the dwelling of the elevated. If it is true the destruction will come by fire to many parts of the earth, the atmosphere will be so dim and dark that the sun will be blackened. When this comes, says the Bible "go into your dwellings and wait." There will be light inside. There will be light in each inner home that has been cleansed. As it was in Moses' time when Egypt sat in darkness, while the Israelites were surrounded by the Shekinah light, so it will be in times to come Zebulun will see the light first.Those in the Netherlands, who are aware that this strange parallel is a true one, will behave as children of Zebulun. Being cleansed, they will dwell safely,and they will receive the grace of seeing the return of the Light.
"What then of these people, these north western Europeans living in the flat lands of Holland? Are they descended through the ages from the People of Zebulun? If they be of Zebulun, then they are of Israel. Down the long corridors of time, beyond the 21st century, the prophets foresaw a wondrous future, for Zebulun, as Isaiah foretold, would see the LIGHT FIRST."
The Light of the world did His first miracle in CANA GALILEE (country of Zebulun). He the Living water, changed the 6 water jars (meant for cleansing) into blood of the VINE. Jesus being the True VINE and Israel the branches who have to produce much fruit. I'll show you now some deeper symbolic and numeric explanations. He the GREAT SON. SON has the number value 52. So has the word wine. The fruit of the VINE being UNFERMENTED grape Juice as the BLOOD of JESUS was UNDEFILED, became the symbol of cleansing ISRAEL and it provides for the NEW COVENANT with ISRAEL. Cana Galilee has the numeric value of 145. In Psalm 145 it says: "Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom" The task of Zebulun is spreading the LIGHT. The numeric value of Zebulun is 95. So do we read in Psalm 95: "0 come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our God; ...".and we are the sheep of His pasture.
Vinefruit has the numeric value of 423 that is 3 times 141. In Psalm 141 it says: "Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth... But mine eyes are unto Thee 0 God the Lord: in Thee is my trust".
Jesus BLOOD came down, during His crucifixion, from His left side, into the split in the rock (due to the earthquake at His death) and dropped down on the MERCY SEAT in the cave below. Only the golden MERCY SEAT on top of the GOLDEN ARK WITH THE OLD COVENANT WRITTEN ON STONE IN IT, could do service for the PRECIOUS BLOOD of CHRIST on behalf of HIS OWN PEOPLE ISRAEL; Forgiving their sins, breaking the bill of DIVORCE once given to her and bringing ISRAEL into His NEW COVENANT, "writing His LAW in the Hearts and minds of all Israelites".
Will that LIGHT first appear in the nation of Zebulun, at the border of the sea? Then it will enable them to CALL THE NATIONS (of Israel) to the mount. That word MOUNTAIN has also a deeper meaning of PROMOTION (Do you get it)? Promotion of' "a company of nations".
Netherland means LOWLAND - the numeric value of that word is 415 or 5 times 83. In Psalm 83 it says:
"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is YAHWEH, art the MOST HIGH over all the earth."
That LIGHT will surely NATIONALY go forth from my LOW LAND.

Dutch National Emblem "I will maintain God and my Right"
We are heirs of the Father, we are joint heirs with the Son. We are children of the Kingdom. We are a family, we are ONE.
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