Atlantica Orientalis 2010 Foreword

In Atlantica Orientalis (pub. 1751) the Swedish Lutheran-Evangelical Pastor Johannes Eurenius (1688-1751) describes that the Swedes and Goths are the descendants of the dispersed tribes of Israel, who were deported out of the land of Israel app. 721 BC. When the Israelites had migrated to Russia, they became known as Scythians, and eventually they ended up in northern Europe where they became known as Swedes, Goths, and the tribes related to them.

Eurenius writes that the Greek legend of the lost land of Atlantis actually is a folk memory of the Israelites’ lost land from which they had been deported, and that Atlantis therefore actually refers to the land of Israel/Palestine. Hence the title of the book.

Atlantica Orientalis was also published in a Latin translation in 1764.

Mikkel Stjernholm Kragh, March 2010




Eller Atlands Näs Til des rätta Belägenhet beskrifwet för många år sedan

Af Mag. JOAN. EURENIUS, Provst och Kyrkoh. i Ångermanland och Torsåker.

Nu, Tillike med Platonis berättelse därom på Swenska,

Och Dom-Provstens Mag. CARL FR. LJUNGBERGS Företal,

Uplagde Med Kongl. Maj:ts Nådigste Privilegium på Tijo År, Af O. BID. RENHORN.

STRENGNÄS, Trykt af Lars Arvid Collin År 1751.


Table of contents:

Front page


DEDICATIO af Ol. Bid. Renhorn                                                                            p. i-vi

Företal af Carl Fr. Ljungberg, Dom-Provst i Strengnæs                                     p. vii-xvi

CAP. I. Om ISRAELS Land ATLANTICA.                                                            p. 1-46

CAP. II. Om ARABERNAS Land och Namn HESPERIA.                                  p. 46-60

CAP. III. Om HYPERBOREERNAS Namn och Land.                                         p. 60-68

CAP. IV. Om ELYSIO och de Saligas Land.                                                        p. 68-73

CAP. V. Om AMAZONERNA eller det Folk som omgicks med Boskap.         p. 73-83

CAP. VI. De förströdde SCYTHER eller Landsflyktige Israëliter.                       p. 83-98


 eller de flyktige ISRAELS Barn.                                                      p. 98-124

Platonis Critias, Det är, Et af PLATONE beskrefet Samtal

 om ATLANTICA, Ifrån Grekiskan på Svenska öfersatt

 Af C. F. Liungberg, Fil. Gymnasist i Strengnes.                            p. 125-138

Tilökning af Platonis Critia.                                                                                     p. 138-140

Errata Typographica.                                                                                               p. 141




Johannes Eurenius biography

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