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Hvem er efterkommerne af Israels 12 stammer?
Bibelen beretter, at størstedelen af Israels 12 stammer omkring år 721 f.Kr. blev deporteret bort fra Israels land til områder syd for Kaukasus-bjergene og det Kaspiske Hav. De blev kendt som "Israels fortabte stammer".
På Jesu tid var der kun en lille del af Israels 12 stammer tilbage i Israels land. De var primært af Judas stamme, og derfor kaldtes de ”jøder”, som jo kommer af navnet Juda. Det var derfor, at Jesus sagde:
"Gå ikke ud på hedningers veje og ikke ind i samaritaneres byer! Gå hellere til de fortabte får af Israels hus!" (Mattæus 10:5-6) og: "Jeg er ikke udsendt til andre end til de fortabte får af Israels hus." (Mattæus 15:24)
Samtidig beretter de ældste nordiske kilder, såsom Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), at de nordiske og germanske folkeslag stammer fra Tyrkland og områder syd for Kaukasus-bjergene og det Kaspiske Hav, og at de vandrede til Nordeuropa under ledelse af en præstehøvding kaldt Odin. Thor Heyerdahl bekræftede dette i Jakten på Odin (2002), hvor han skrev, at nordboerne kom fra Azerbajdjan.
Efterkommerne af størstedelen af Israels 12 stammer er ingen andre end folkeslagene i Nordvest-Europa, samt dem, der er beslægtet med dem i resten Europa, Amerika, det sydlige Afrika, Australien og New Zealand!
En lang række kendte kristne har været klar over deres israelitiske oprindelse, bl.a. George VI, Konge af Storbritannien og det Britiske Commonwealth 1936-52 og Kejser af Indien 1936-47.
Who are the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel?
It can be read in the Bible that the majority of the 12 tribes of Israel around 721 B.C. were deported out of the land of Israel to areas south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea. They became known as "the lost tribes of Israel".
When Jesus was born, only a remnant of the 12 tribes of Israel remained in the land of Israel. They were primarily of the tribe of Judah, and therefore they were called “Jews”, which is derived from the name Judah. That is the reason Jesus said:
"Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 10:5-6) and: "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)
At the same time, the oldest Norse sources, such as the Icelandic historian Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), tells that the Nordic and Germanic tribes originate from “Turkland” and areas south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, and that they trekked to Northern Europe under the leadership of a priest-chief called Odin. This was confirmed by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl in his book Jakten på Odin (The Search for Odin) (2002), where he wrote that the Norsemen came from Azerbaijan.
The descendants of the greater part of the 12 tribes of Israel are the North-West European peoples, as well as their kindred in the rest of Europe, America, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand!
Many well-known Christians have been aware of their Israelite origin. One of them was George VI, King of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth 1936-52 and Emperor of India 1936-47.
Dans stamme - Danmark
Tribe of Dan - Denmark
Opdateret 4. dec., 2024
Updated Dec. 4, 2024
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